Author: admin

2nd October 2013

IOACC Planning & Orders Committee vote to refuse the Application but have a 21 day period in which to reconsider the decision at the following Planning Committee Meeting.

June 2013

Addendum Application submitted to IOACC which considers all consultation responses and provides a more efficient accommodation / transport solution for a proportion of the potential incoming nuclear build workforce.

November 2012

Leaflet drop explaining  the Application – posted through local Community doors.

November 2012

Outline Planning Application submitted to Isle of Anglesey County Council.

January 2012

Revised plans were revealed to reflect Community and stakeholder concerns – particularly relating to public access to Penrhos Coastal Park, Coastal path and woodland.

October 2011

A Public Exhibition was held 21-22nd October 2011 at Holyhead Town Hall to display the proposed vision and assess Community and stakeholder feedback. Over 700 members of the community attended the Exhibition to view proposals for the development of three areas of land surrounding the Anglesey Aluminium plant near Holyhead. 121 provided feedback with 56% of those being in favour of the proposals, 15% against and 29% providing comments but not taking a particular stance.