Category: News

31st May 2016

Isle of Anglesey County Council releases planning consent for Penrhos, Anglesey development. Land and Lakes are set to take ownership in summer 2016.

7th October 2015

Isle Of Anglesey County Council Planning & Orders Committee vote to ratify the section 106 Legal Agreement & Conditions for Penrhos development.

31st January 2015

Completion of regular ecology updates on Penrhos, Cae Glas & Kingsland

21st November 2014

Completion of 6 weeks of Ground investigation and Archaeological investigations at Cae Glas & Kingsland sites. Awaiting lab test results.

7th March 2014

Welsh Government decision not to ‘call in’ the Application for further scrutiny.

6th November 2013

Isle Of Anglesey County Council (IOACC) Planning & Orders Committee vote to approve the Application.